Brent Edwards and Olivia Bruce in lab

Labs and Centres

Explore the research facilities in the Faculty of Kinesiology. 

Kinesiology research facilities, labs and groups

To explore more areas of research, please visit our Kinesiology faculty members page listed below. 

Biomechanigg Sport & Health Research

Founded by Dr. Benno Nigg, PhD, researchers concentrate on movement, exercise and sport. 

Visit Biomechanigg

Doyle-Baker Lab

Researchers are currently exploring exposure to physiological and psychological stress of participants from the start to finish of the reproductive cycle, and more. 

Discover more

Edwards Group

Dr. Brent Edward's group focuses on developing diagnostic and preventive measures to improve bone quality and decrease the risk for fractures. 

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Health and Wellness Lab

Lab founder, Dr. Nicole Culos-Reed, PhD, is dedicated to improving the quality of life for those impacted by cancer. 

Explore cancer research

Human Performance Lab

Researchers seek to understand the basics of human mobility and share this knowledge with others so they can be active throughout their life. 

Visit the HPL


MOvement, MENopause and opTimUM health (MOMENTUM) is a collaborative research initiative  in the Faculty of Kinesiology aimed at developing evidence and resources about menopause, movement, and health. 

Lean more

Movement and Musculoskeletal Health Lab

Led by Dr. Leigh Gabel, the Movement and Musculoskeletal Health Lab (MyMSK lab) is dedicated to understanding how movement (exercise and physical activity) influence musculoskeletal health across the lifespan.

Visit MyMSK Lab

Relationships and Exercise Lab

Dr. Meghan McDonough’s group focuses on the role of social relationships in enabling physical activity behaviour, and how social interactions in physical activity contexts contribute to well-being.

Visit the relationships and exercise lab

Sport Injury Prevention Research Centre

Researchers are committed to a reduction in youth sport and recreation injuries. Explore research projects, warm up routines and concussion resources. 

Learn about injury prevention

Thrive Centre

Free fitness and research facility for cancer patients, survivors and their support people. The gym is monitored by those with specialized training. 

Visit the Thrive Centre

Interested in Kinesiology research? Explore our seminars here.

Jane Shearer, researcher and professor in the Faculty of Kinesiology

Kinesiology researchers

Didn't find the research area you were looking for? Not all researchers have a lab website. Visit our Faculty Members page to see the kinesiology researchers and explore their areas of study.