Teaching Assistant Positions
Teaching experience for graduates.
Every year, the Faculty of Kinesiology awards graduate assistantships (teaching assistant positions) to the most qualified thesis-based (MSc and PhD) graduate students. The appointments are referred to as GA(T) or TA positions.
Teaching assistant positions help students with the cost of taking a graduate degree program and help with the instructional needs of the faculty. The appointments are apprenticeships for academic or professional careers. Graduate student teaching positions are essential to the success of Kinesiology's undergraduate programs.
Benefits of teaching appointments:
- Share knowledge about your discipline and learn more about the topic to further enrich your education.
- Develop and exercise leadership qualities by interacting with and mentoring students.
- Improve your oral and written communication skills by presenting material clearly and concisely. Presentation skills are vital for graduate study.
For more information about the regulations governing teaching assistants, please see University of Calgary, Human Resources.
Need more information about teaching assistant positions? Contact us.