Athletic Fields
Provides up-to-date information on the status of the University of Calgary's outdoor athletic fields.
Athletic Fields Currently Open
Athletic Fields Currently Closed
- Multipurpose Field 1
- Dinosaur Field (Field 2)
- Multipurpose Field 4
- Multipurpose Field 5
- Hawkings Field Hockey Pitch (Field 6)
- Multipurpose Field 7
Field Use Guidelines
- Anyone using a field are required to have a facility permit and must be able to reference their permit on site if required.
- Clients are required to carry insurance and are responsible for any damage their group may cause.
- Each client is responsible to ensure that every player, official, parent of players, and spectator attending is aware of the field use and closure guidelines.
- Clients are required to be respectful and considerate to all staff, other field users and community residents.
- Dogs are not permitted on or off leash.
- Motor vehicles are not permitted in any of the fields unless written or verbal permission to do so has been received from Kinesiology Operations. Vehicles need to park in approved UCalgary or University District parking lots. Please review approved parking options.
- Sales of food, merchandise, possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages are not permitted unless it is for an approved special event.
- For concerns with porta-potties please contact Kinesiology Operations at kinesops@ucalgary.ca.
Conditions for Closure
Outdoor athletic grass fields may be closed under the following conditions.
Standing water present on any part of the playing field. An indicator includes footprints accompanied by the accumulation of water.
The presence of visible water or the audible "squish" sound while walking.
- Rain may be a cause for closure either if a drizzle with a long length of time or a hard rain. The deciding factor will depend on field condition (how wet the field is).
- Snow that forms a layer (a footprint can form) on the field. Snow that is melting on the field.
- Hail can create compaction damage to the grass and turf fields and be a risk to player safety.
Frost or frozen areas are not playable until surface conditions have thawed and drained.
The presence of clearly visible large mud areas on the playing field.
Thunder within audible range may be indicative of incoming lightning. Lightning is considered severe and close enough to the facility that it would pose an immediate danger to permit booking clients.
If Environment Canada website reports a level of air quality (often due to smoke) at a high risk level.
Coyote Awareness
Seasonally, coyotes live on campus in the reserve/natural areas south of the athletic fields. To minimize risks and ensure the uninterrupted use of the fields, we ask for your participation in safety measures to avoid attracting and encountering coyotes.
Please avoid entering or getting close to these areas before, during, or after games.
Avoid bringing backpacks to the field if possible. If necessary, please gather all backpacks together on the north side of the field. This ensures they are placed away from the Reserve/Natural area and are not enticing to wildlife.
Please avoid bringing food or drinks to the fields, including in backpacks. Such items may attract wildlife. Please do not feed wildlife.
After games, promptly exit the field area as a collective group rather than individually or in small numbers.
Dogs are not permitted on the fields for their safety and that of others.
- Remain calm: Avoid screaming, running, or turning away.
- Protect: Immediately pick up small children and pets.
- Retreat: Walk away without panicking.
If a coyote approaches:
- Situation Evaluation: The coyote might be protecting its territory or young. Ensure you are not blocking its escape route.
- Display Assertiveness: Loudly shout, "Go away!" and make yourself appear larger. Use an umbrella or a snapping plastic bag as a deterrent if needed.
- Gradual Exit: Consistently distance yourself without turning your back.
Please be vigilant to any unusual coyote behaviour, such as rummaging through or snatching bags, charging people, or outright nipping attacks.
Contact the University of Calgary Campus Security immediately at 403.220.5333 for negative or aggressive coyote encounters.
For any additional queries or concerns, please contact Kinesiology Operations 403-333-5686, kinesops@ucalgary.ca.
For more information, contact Kinesiology Operations at 403.333.5686 or email knesops@ucalgary.ca