About the Kinesiology Students' Society
The Kinesiology Students' Society (KSS) is an association of elected executives that represent the Faculty of Kinesiology undergraduate students.
The KSS fosters community and student engagement and creates an inclusive and accepting environment for students. They organize events like Kin Camp, Kin Games (competition with other schools across Canada), Kindustry (a career event to meet kinesiology-related professionals), Active Hour (a monthly fitness session) and many more. kssucalgary@gmail.com
Become a member
Memberships are $5 for one year and $15 for four years. Some perks of the membership include:
- free monthly hump day snacks served in the KSS office
- free monthly active hours
- free access to tutoring and mentorship programs
- free admission to all KSS events
- and more!
Memberships can be purchased in the KSS office KNB 153 (cash and card) or through transfer to kssucalgary@gmail.com.
Check out more about the Kinesiology Students' Society on the bottom of the SU Club Hub page.
KSS team
Get to know your executives.

Rachel Wolfson - President
The President serves as a student voice on faculty committees and acts as a spokesperson for KSS events and programs by meeting with the KSS faculty liaison(s) and associate dean (academic). They are also responsible for finalizing the facilities and transportation for Kin Camp. Overall, the president oversees decisions to ensure the smooth operation of the KSS through weekly KSS executive meetings.

Anoush Rehmani - VP Academic
The VP Academics enhances the academic endeavours of KSS members by representing the KSS and undergraduate Kinesiology students at the Teaching and Learning Committee. Leads the organizing and delivery of Kindustry, while maintaining Kinesiology mentorship and tutoring programs.

Paige Shaw - VP Events
The VP Events is responsible for organizing all KSS social events including the Kinesiology Gala, Active Hours, Hump Days, Trivia Nights, and other themed events like pumpkin carving. They also are responsible for submitting event proposals to the SU’s Club Hub and co-coordinating graduate student photos with the Kinesiology advising team.

Zoe Pcenicni - VP Public Relations
The VP Public Relations promotes all KSS events, programs, fundraisers, opportunities, and promotions to KSS members through social media platforms of Instagram and Discord. They also create the KSS logo and membership cards, while distributing merchandise and updating the KSS office windows.

Lauren Enders - VP Administration
The VP Administration records, organizes and distributes meeting minutes from KSS executive meetings. They create monthly newsletters outlining the KSS events and programs, while communicating with the Kinesiology advisors to regulate the D2L website. As well, they manage external partnerships such as Prep 101.

Micalee Chow - VP Finance
VP Finance is responsible for all financial and budget matters within the KSS including membership fees, funding applications, KSS bank account and cash box, as well as organizing all financial transactions to generate fiscal reports.

Shivonne Gomes - VP Kinesiology Games
Executives of VP Kinesiology Games organize the University of Calgary’s annual Kin Games team including fundraising through Sportathon. They act as the contact to the chair of the Kin Games coordinating committee, while keeping KSS executives updated with Kin Games matters.
Vanessa Michel - VP Kinesiology Games
Both executives of VP Kinesiology Games organize the University of Calgary’s annual Kin Games team including fundraising through Sportathon. They act as the contact to the chair of the Kin Games coordinating committee, while keeping KSS executives updated with Kin Games matters.

Sophia Howie - First Year Rep
This position is intended as one of learning from the KSS Executive, with the Junior Executive assisting the Executives with any duties agreed upon.

Megan Strick - First Year Rep
This position is intended as one of learning from the KSS Executive, with the Junior Executive assisting the Executives with any duties agreed upon.
Elbert Tom - Students' Union Representative
The Faculty of Kinesiology Students’ Union Representative represents the interests of all 1,100 undergraduate Kinesiology students on the Students’ Legislative Council (SLC). Alongside this, they are a voice to the university administration, sitting on various Faculty of Kinesiology committees, and advocating for student interests on an institutional scale. Should you have concerns about classes, clubs, or health, your SU rep is your first point of contact. They can direct you to people and resources on campus best suited to your needs