Student doing science experiments

Fees & Funding

Undergrads have many options to help cover the cost of a degree. Apply for student loans, scholarships and bursaries. Many students also work part-time at the faculty’s Outdoor Centre, Active Living and more.

How to finance your education

Scholarships and bursaries

Apply for awards, scholarships and bursaries

Apply here

Student loans

Government student aid is now given directly to students

Understanding loans

Cost of your education

See the tuition and general fees chart 

See the fees

General information

Get an overview of how tuition and fees work

Understanding tuition and fees

How to pay fees

Explore payment options to be sure you ready to go 

Payment options

Undergraduate research

Apply for funding to take part in research projects 

Undergraduate research funding

Did you know you can calculate the approximate cost of your education? Try the cost estimator tool