John Holash teaching class

HPL Seminars

Join us Thursdays at 3 p.m. MT. as speakers present their current research. See the topics below. 

Weekly Seminars

Join the Human Performance Lab (HPL) for a weekly seminar between September and June. Each week a new speaker presents on their current research findings. Most of the researchers work in the HPL at the University of Calgary, but guest speakers from other universities do present occasionally. 

The seminars are every Thursday from 3 to 4:30 p.m. MST (excluding holidays). The seminar series is in-person in KNB 214a and on virtual format (Zoom). See the list of presenters and their topics below. If you miss the seminar, no worries, all the seminars are recorded on video.  

Options to join the seminar


Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:

Attend the meeting HERE.

Meeting ID: 977 0295 4725

One tap mobile

+15873281099, 97702954725# Canada

+16473744685, 97702954725# Canada

Upcoming human performance lab seminars

Seminars are every Thursday at 3 p.m. MT.

For seminar information or to be a presenter, contact