Kinesiology & Physical Education Alumni
Whether you join the Kinesiology Alumni Network, mentor a student, volunteer at an event or just touch base with your faculty occasionally, you are now part of a close knit and valued community.
Volunteer and Stay Connected
Alumni who volunteer are critical to the success of our faculty, students, the university and the greater community. As a volunteer, you meet new people and strengthen your ties to the community.
Volunteering can take many forms. Take part in a program, speak to students about what you do, sit on a committee or join the alumni network. We can help find a position that is right for you.
Contact for volunteering
Find out what volunteer opportunities are available by contacting Braydon Epp, director of development for Kinesiology at braydon.epp1@ucalgary.ca, or 403.862.6099 (cell), 403.220.7207 (office).
Connect with kinesiology alumni
Join the Kinesiology Alumni Network to connect with other alumni as well as current students, the Faculty of Kinesiology and the University of Calgary. Join by contacting Wilma Shim, chair of the Kinesiology Alumni Network, wilmashim@gmail.com.
Benefits and Services
Connect with the University of Calgary from anywhere in the world. Hear and read stories from students, staff, alumni and faculty who are on campus and working in the community.
Find out what is new in your industry and stay in touch with your peers.
Check out upcoming faculty events and UCalgary alumni events.
Special rates and offers
As an alumni at the University of Calgary, you have advantages.
UCalgary alumni receive 50% off their first Active Living membership, and special rates thereafter. See the memberships page or contact active@ucalgary.ca.
You can grow your career and receive preferred rates, special offers and access to a variety of services.
Does the alumni team have your current email address? If not, please share an update with braydon.epp1@ucalgary.ca.
Stay in Touch
Please share your news, ideas for profiles/stories, thoughts and comments with us.
Did you know the Kinesiology and Physical Education alumni are on social media? Join us on Facebook