Axillary Web Syndrome in Newly Diagnosed Individuals after Surgery for Breast Cancer: Baseline Results from the AMBER Cohort Study
Associations between health-related fitness and patient-reported symptoms in newly diagnosed breast cancer patients
Associations of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in Newley Diagnosed Women with Breast Cancer
The purpose of this study is to determine the social-cognitive, demographic, clinical, and health-related correlates of physical activity and sedentary behaviour in newly* diagnosed women with breast cancer.
*Eligible participants had either not started therapy or had completed 2 cycles or less of therapy and were within 90 days of surgery
Moving Online? How to Effectively Deliver Virtual Fitness
By reading this article, health and fitness professionals will gain knowledge, skills, and confidence to
• effectively deliver virtual fitness,
• incorporate evidence-informed behavior change strategies into virtual fitness, and
• optimize safety and client success online.
Multiphasic exercise prehab for patients undergoing surgery for head and neck cancer: a hybrid effectiveness-implementation study protocol
We have designed a “multiphasic prehabilitation” exercise intervention for those undergoing surgical resection and free flap reconstruction for HNC that includes not only the preoperative period but also the inpatient and early recovery periods that may precede adjuvant radiation and chemotherapy. We aim to achieve and evaluate the following objectives:
(1) evaluate the benefits, both in regard to physical function and experienced side-effects via patient-reported outcomes (PROs) of the intervention
(2) determine the safety and feasibility of the intervention
(3) assess implementation of a multiphasic exercise prehabilitation program for HNC patients within the surgical care pathway
(4) build a systematic screening and referral pathway into exercise oncology resources post-operatively.
Exploring feasibility, perceptions of acceptability, and potential benefits of an 8-week online yoga intervention for young adults affected by cancer
Young adults affected by cancer face physical and psychological challenges and desire online supportive care. Yoga can be delivered online and may improve physical and psychological outcomes. Yet, yoga has rarely been studied with young adults affected by cancer. To address this, an 8-week yoga intervention was developed, and a pilot study was deemed necessary to explore feasibility, acceptability, implementation, and potential benefits.
Exercise and behaviour change support for individuals living with and beyond cancer: Interim results and program satisfaction of the EXCEL study
This interim analysis fills an important gap in the current exercise oncology literature by addressing questions surrounding the effectiveness of online exercise on patient-reported and physical function outcomes that ultimately contribute to the health-related quality of individuals living with and beyond cancer.
First-Year Implementation of the EXCEL Study: Building Networks to Support Rural and Remote Community Access to Exercise Oncology Resources
The purpose of this analysis is to report on the first-year implementation of the EXCEL study as guided by the RE-AIM framework. This evaluation provides insight into EXCEL’s initial implementation efforts for QEP and HCP network development to support the delivery of the online exercise-oncology intervention.