Major Partners

The Foundations for the Future Charter Academy (FFCA) senior leadership have agreed to participate in a five-year research initiative with the University of Calgary and Mount Royal University. The first phase of academic study is occurring at the Southwest campus with all grade three and four students participating. The school has donated 750 square feet of space to create Canada's first Exergaming Research Centre. This 'living lab' will be accessible to teachers and students throughout the year for their own curricular needs as well as those of the researchers. As the initiative progresses, other schools and grade levels will be engaged as subjects in this unique partnership.

Mount Royal University's Department of Physical Education and Recreation Studies is contributing research equipment and human resources toward the success of the Canadian Exergaming Research Centre. By sharing specialized equipment such as the HUR balance platform and pedometers, cutting edge studies in a working elementary school are possible.

The lead researcher, Dwayne Sheehan, is a full time professor at MRU. Mount Royal is developing a reputation as a leader in physical literacy through its commitment to teaching the NCCP fundamental movement skills concepts.