What We Do

What We Do

The Centre for Video and Performance Analysis has the facilities and staff to provide the highest quality education, research and services to elite sports teams with a goal to improve performances through detailed performance analysis of video and other technologies. The Centre for Video and Performance Analysis provides expertise in the following areas:


  • Gathering and dissemination of knowledge related to the practical and latest technologies used in the measurement of sport performance
  • Gathering and dissemination of knowledge related to the practical and latest technologies used in the measurement of sport performance
  • Development of methods and techniques for the analysis of data related to the enhancement of athlete
  • Research and development of methods for long distance video analysis related to storage, archiving and retrieval of videos
  • Newsletters and publications on new technologies and methods of video and performance analysis in sport

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  •  Professional training on the newest software technologies related to video analysis in sport
  • Practicums, Internships, and Training Seminars provided to students and coaches to learn about the use of video and technology in sport
  • Training provided on many levels including the use of video systems, video analysis software and any other technologies used to track/monitor athlete performances
  • Training on technologies and tools available for web-based distance analysis and virtual coaching

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  • Video/technology hardware and software system integrations, set-ups and on-site training
  • Videography services for the collection and storage of videos for events, training and testing sessions
  • Performance Analysis services for the analysis of athlete techniques/skills
  • Performance Analysis services for the analysis of game/competition video footage
  • Data management services for the co-ordination of biomechanical and other (e.g., physiological, medical) sport specific data
  • Virtual conferencing and virtual training technologies and facilities available

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Lead Researchers

Larry Katz, PhD.

Professor Emeritus and Director, Sport Technology Research Laboratory
E: katz@ucalgary.ca
Calgary, Alberta

Pro Stergiou, B.Sc., M.Sc.

CVPA Manager
T: 403.999.4121
E: pstergio@ucalgary.ca
Kinesiology Complex B, Room 264
2500 University Drive
Calgary, Alberta
Canada T2N 1N4