lab instruction graduate training

Trainees of the Applied Muscle Physiology Laboratory

Since 1989, Dr. B.R. MacIntosh has supervised 6 doctoral students, 20 MSc students and 21 course-based MKin/MPE.

Trainees, including thesis-based and course-based students.

The students below, trained in the Human Performance Laboratory under the supervision of Dr. Brian R. MacIntosh. Following this list of thesis based degree students is a list of course-based students also supervised by Dr. MacIntosh.

Keenan MacDougall, PhD, 2020- in progress: Alterations in fatigue, efficiency, and pedaling mechanics during incremental and constant-load high-intensity cycling

Tara Falconer-McNiel, MSc, 2020- in progress: Bioenergetic and Biochemical Responses to Ultra-short Race-pace Training Versus High-volume, Low-intensity Training in Competitive Swimmers Over a Typical Season.

Keenan MacDougall, MSc, 2020      Additional in-series compliance does not affect the length dependence of activation in rat medial gastrocnemius muscle

Tessa Gallinger, MSc, 2019:     Muscle length adaptations to sport-specific velocity training in young adults with cerebral palsy

Alexander Chen, MSc, 2019:     Developing procedures and software for correcting artefacts in motion data

John Holash, PhD, 2017:  Three dimensional stochastic computer model of the skeletal muscle half sarcomere: Changes in calcium diffusion caused by the myofilament lattice.  

LIsa Geck, MSc, 2017:     The role of calcium in the mechanism of muscle fatigue in intact single muscle fibres of mice at physiological temperature. 

Jamie Weir, MSc. 2016: The energy cost of heavy intensity cycling after prior heavy exercise.

Jared Fletcher, PhD, 2014:  Changes in tendon compliance and muscle energetics of in vivo human skeletal muscle   

Elias Tomaras, MSc, 2010:  Warm-up fatigue and performance enhancement. 

Elana Taub, MSc, 2010:  Skeletal muscle fatigue in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome

Shane Esau, 2010:  Role of calcium-activated protease in causing low-frequency fatigue (withdrew)

Kelly Dinsmore, MSc, 2009:  The evaluation of workload, heat stress and electrolyte carbohydrate beverage consumption in an occupational environment.

Reza Shahi, 2009:  Skeletal muscle fatigue and increased endurance with reduced ventilatory work.

Stan Mazursky, 2009:  Contractile properties of skeletal muscle in heart failure.

Gary Dormer, MS, 2008:  Fundamental contractile properties following a stroke in a rat model.

Jared Fletcher, MSc, 2008:  The role of the triceps surae muscle tendon unit on economy of locomotion in highly trained distance runners

Alicia Lynn, 2007-2008:  Health benefits of intense training in youth with Down Syndrome (withdrew)

Antra Rozitis, MSc, 2006:  Motor unit recruitment patterns during cycling

Andrea Devrome, PhD, 2006:  Force-velocity properties and fatigue in skeletal muscle

Stephanie Hogue, 2006:  Detection of characteristic movement patterns in Parkinson's disease (withdrew)

Meredith MacNaughton, MSc, 2005:  Length dependence of skeletal muscle fatigue

John Holash, MSc, 2000:  Validation of single maximal effort tests for power measurement

Janine Willis, MSc, 2000:  Myosin light chain phosphorylation in cardiac muscle

Kim Minhan, 2002:  Optimizing a 30 s all-out test on an isokinetic cycle ergometer. (withdrew)

Dilson Rassier, PhD, 1998:  Length dependence of potentiation in skeletal muscle

John Horton, MSc, 1997:  Abdominal muscle activation characteristics of elite male golfers with and without chronic low back pain.

Kris Head, MSc, 1997:  Length dependence of posttetanic potentiation in the rat gastrocnemius muscle at 37C.

Aaron Tubman, PhD, 1996:  Potentiation and myosin light chain phosphorylation in disuse atrophied skeletal muscle.


International Visiting Students

Anders Kristensen, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 2018.

Atsuki Fukutani, University of Tokyo, 2012; 2014

Inge Stoter, Groningen University, the Netherlands, 2010

Nienke Wind, Free Univ of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2006-07.

Leanne Schmidt, Free Univ of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2006-07.

Brechtje Hermans, Groningen University, the Netherlands;  2002

Hermien Kan, Free Univ. of Amsterdam, the Netherlands;  2001

Ronald Kooistra, Free Univ. of Amsterdam, the Nertherlands;  2001

Arno Rademaker, Free Univ. of Amsterdam, the Netherlands;   1996


Course-based Master's degree students supervised by Dr. Brian R. MacIntosh

Colton Quinn, MKin, 2018

Jennifer Campbell, 2005 (withdrew)

Joey Kwasniewski MKin, 2006

Jean-Francois Dufour, MKin 2006

Saro Fara, MKin, 2005

Maggie Phillips, MKin, 2004

Karyn Baggs, MKin, 2004

Kristen Carr, MKin, 2004

Geoff Smith, MKin, 2002

Peter Rishaug, MKin, 2001

Shirley Bryan, MKin, 2000

Shane Esau, MKin, 2000

Rebecca Milne, MPE, 1995

Brian Wilson MPE, 1995

Bridget Wright, MPE, 1993

Shawn Kuster, MPE, 1993

Valerie Verge, MPE, 1993

Arni Nutting, MPE, 1991

Ron Kraft, MPE, 1991

Rebecca Brown, MPE, 1991

Allison Godfrey, MPE, 1991


Undergraduate Students with Experience in the Applied Muscle Physiology Laboratory

Victoria Nasr, 2019 (summer project) still a student at Acadia Univ

Jamie Weir, 2011, (PURE) now at UCalgary in the Human Performance Lab

Spencer Pootz, 2010-11 (KNES 503)

Ted Pfister, 2010 (PURE)

Laura Milne, 2008 (USRP)

Elana Taub, 2006 (NSERC) medical doctor

Travis Saunders, 2006 (NSERC)  Associate Professor, UPEI 

Elias Tomaras, 2005-06 (M-F USRP summer 2006, CIHR Fall 2006); City of Calgary

David Pinter, 2005 (M_F USRP and NSERC)

Jennifer Campbell, 2005 (M-F USRP, winter and summer) now Physiotherapist, PhD at Univ of Alberta

Leslie Chin, 2004     (M-F USRP)   MD, PhD, now at UBC

Gary Dormer, 2004   (NSERC, M-F USRP)

Nuala McCreanor, 2003   (NSERC)                                                               

Lacey Bradley, 2003 (M-F USRP)  Garmin

David Jones, 2002    (KNES 490)

Grant Gordon, 2001  (NSERC) Assistant Professor, Univ of Calgary

Sarah Hewitt, 2001

Mark Scott, 2000      (KNES 490)

Allison Barry, 2000  (KNES 490)  

Igor Kopecky, 1999  (Petro Canada)  

Paul MacEachern, 1996 (NSERC)  medical doctor

Kris Head, 1995        (NSERC) physiotherapist in Calgary