Strength Training for Osteoporosis Prevention in Early Menopause (STOP-EM)

This page is for frequently asked questions about the study/ program for current and prospective participants. If your question is not answered below, feel free to contact us for more information.

Frequently asked questions

STOP-EM is a 9-month strength training intervention to prevent bone loss during peri- and early menopause. We know that women start losing bone and muscle mass during the menopausal transition, yet routing screening for osteoporosis doesn’t usually occur until much later, around age 65. If we can prevent bone and muscle loss during menopause, we might be able to prevent falls and fractures later in life.

We’re going to teach you how to lift heavy weights and hopefully make you stronger!

The STOP-EM program involves strength training twice per week for 9-months. STOP-EM is split into three phases and is appropriate for all levels (e.g., someone who has never strength trained to someone with prior strength training experience). The first month begins with introducing correct form and proper lifting techniques. Months two and three introduce weights (e.g., dumbbells, kettlebells, and barbells) to the previously learned movements. The final sixth months involve progressively increasing load for several full body exercises to 80-90% of maximum with proper form and breathing.

Each session will be approximately one hour long and include a warm up and cool down.

Life happens. We understand that attending every session may not be possible. However, we do not recommend missing multiple consecutive sessions if possible. Please let us know ahead of time if you will be absent for a session. 

Our exercise professionals are CSEP Certified Exercise Physiologists (CSEP-CEP) with extensive strength and conditioning experience. We’re might be a bit biased, but our trainers are awesome.

The waitlist control group is essential to this study. We will offer the STOP-EM program to you following a 9-month wait. We recommend continuing with your typical movement habits until the end of the control period (e.g., now would not be the time to start a new strength training program). Let us know if you are planning to start a new activity or have any questions.

To properly wear the accelerometer, please position the device over your right hip. It can be worn under your clothes or over light clothes (it should not be worn over a bulky sweater).

There are change rooms in the UCalgary Active Living facility; however, we do not have access to a change near the training studio. There are cubbies in the training studio for you to place any belongings or clothing or shoes, but it would be best for you to arrive in your workout gear ready to go! There are bathrooms available down the hall.